Parish Ministry

Currently, the Province has 45 priests directly in charge of 40 parishes belonging to 18 different dioceses in 3 main regions of the country.We participate in parish ministry primarily at the request of the local bishops. For the sake of the faithful, they often asked the Redemptorists to establish and minister parishes wherever our communities locate.Most of the parishes in which we serve are rural parishes; therefore, missionaries who are committed to serving these parishes have to make great sacrifices and efforts to share their lives with the poor, and at the same time help them advance in their spiritual as well as material lives. Today, most of our parishes are strongly marked by the Redemptorist charism.In carrying out our parish ministry, we always strive to build the parishes under our care into God’s home where the Lord’s plentiful Redemption is manifested. The most active are parishes in Hue, Saigon, and Hanoi. Today, these parishes are the popular shrines of Our Mother of Perpetual Help, as well as major pastoral centers of the Province and of the Archdioceses of Hue, Saigon, and Hanoi.

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