Hue, Monday, 04 July 2022 at 5:00 am, the monastery chapel of Hue Redemptorist Community, Provincial Fr. Joseph Nguyen Ngoc Bich commenced the opening ceremony at the formation house for 2022 – 2023 academic year.
The Eucharistic celebration was con-celebrated with the following Redemptorists; Fr. Joseph Dinh Tien Duc, Superior of the Hue Monastery, Novice Master Fr. Dominic Tran That and many Redemptorists Fathers attend by some Religious Brothers in the monastery.
In his homily, Provincial Fr. Joseph reminded the monks of the awareness of the vocation God gives to each of them when following Christ, sacrifice themselves for others and overcome extreme challenges.
This years, the Formation House welcomes 15 new novice from all over the country.
Thank God for the generosity of more chosen young man in His vineyard because redemption abounds for all. Thank be to God.
Fr. John B. Van Anh, C.Ss.R.
and Photo: Fr. Paul Van Phi, C.Ss.R.